Using PostGIS Spatial Object for MySQL Spatial Raw Binary Data
20 Aug 2007It turns out that MySQL binary data is nothing but standard WKB preceded by 4 bytes of SRID convertible to integer by checking whether it is a big endian or little endian as specified in the 5th byte. Here's the neat code that does the trick compiled from various places in JPOX-Spatial source code:
import org.postgis.Geometry;
import org.postgis.binary.BinaryParser;
static final BinaryParser POSTGIS_WKB_PARSER = new BinaryParser();
public static Geometry mySqlBinaryToPostgisGeometry(byte [] mySqlBin)
throws Exception {
int SRID_LENGTH = 4;
// extracting WKB from MySQL spatial binary format
byte[] wkb = new byte[mySqlBin.length - SRID_LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(mySqlBin, SRID_LENGTH, wkb, 0, wkb.length);
// extracting SRID from MySQL spatial binary format
int srid = 0;
if (mySqlBin[SRID_LENGTH] == 0) {
srid = mySqlBin[0] << 24 |
(mySqlBin[1] & 0xff) << 16 |
(mySqlBin[2] & 0xff) << 8 |
(mySqlBin[3] & 0xff);
} else if (mySqlBin[SRID_LENGTH] == 1) {
srid = mySqlBin[3] << 24 |
(mySqlBin[2] & 0xff) << 16 |
(mySqlBin[1] & 0xff) << 8 |
(mySqlBin[0] & 0xff);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown endian:" + mySqlBin[SRID_LENGTH]);
// parsing WKB using PostGIS' binary parser to generate PostGIS' geometry
Geometry ret = POSTGIS_WKB_PARSER.parse(wkb);
return ret;